Thursday, February 27, 2020

Summary of ON PHOTOGRAPHY by Susan Sontag Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summary of ON PHOTOGRAPHY by Susan Sontag - Essay Example Taking photographs is fashionable with contemporary tourism activities especially when one’s explorations around the world for pleasure. Pictures put to preserve what an individual or group is experiencing as he or she is touring. To defend experience pictures are taken however, it confines experiences to images only. As a way of abating boredom during tours photographs are taken. (Walther Koenig, 2010). Camera captures pictures of everything enabling one to feel ad see events to completion. This supplies events with a kind of continuity and importance. Photography takes an instant out of time, changing life by holding it immobile. According to Elliott Erwitt â€Å"To me, photography is an art of observation. Its about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... Ive found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

No topic needed this is part of paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

No topic needed this is part of - Research Paper Example This amount then helps in developing an economic structure so that the investor can afford the health expenditures in the future. Thus, the person plays a safe game by being insured. But lately, because of the recession, many people living in the United States have become unemployed because of which they are unable to renew their insurance packages. Secondly, uninsured people usually go to any physician irrespective of his expertise in the field. These physicians have no previous medical records of the person under treatment, thus they are not specialized in prescribing any sort of drugs to the person. When people intake wrong drugs, they risk their lives in the process. Wrong treatment results in side reactions, births of new diseases and outbursts of epidemics. Other than the doctor, the local government has to face all these troubles and allegations as well. When payment regarding the health insurance is not made, the cost incurred is to be covered by the hospitals of the health institutions. This results in the medical services deteriorating. Health problems are more prevalent in insured people than the insured ones. This is because the uninsured individuals resort to implementing on the medical advice taken from the local doctors. Or they try to treat themselves without any professional advice whatsoever which leads to chronic illnesses. Recent calculations show that 2 million uninsured individuals have been told that they have arthritis, 1.8 million have asthma and 1.3 million have chronic bronchitis. An additional 613,000 people have diabetes and a further 615,000 have cancer. These findings are evidence of the fact that uninsured people bear a greater risk of falling prey to chronic and deep-rooted illnesses, which is a bigger threat to the health of the nation as a whole. Many people – the number is unknown - suffer from a particular illness so they are uninsurable. One way of solving the problem of